Midtown Project to Kick Off Crowd Funding Program for Michigan Public Spaces

Posted on June 25, 2014

LANSING — The Michigan Economic Development Corp. is planning a crowd funding and matching grant initiative to help drive public space projects in the state.

Public Spaces Community Places is a collaborative effort of the MEDC, the Michigan Municipal League and Michigan-based crowd funding platform Patronicity.

The open application process begins July 9 online. Nonprofits and other business entities may submit projects and apply for a crowd funding campaign. Projects meeting fundraising goals would then receive a matching grant from MEDC of up to $100,000.

The MEDC has selected Midtown Detroit Inc.’s Green Alley Project as the Public Spaces Community Places pilot effort. Midtown Detroit is working with Patronicity to raise $50,000 through crowd funding to transform a 415-foot-long alley with environmentally friendly infrastructure.