Yoga in the Park is a new series of yoga events that will take place every Tuesday from 12 to 12:45 p.m. at Milliken State Park starting Tuesday, July 23, and running through August 13.
Katherine Austin, owner of the Karma Yoga studio in Bloomfield Hills, is leading these weekly yoga classes to benefit Urban Farming, the nonprofit organization that plants urban gardens on vacant land in the city. She has been working with this organization since 2005, and decided to make this month of classes payable entirely by donation.
“When Fresh Air Fit contacted me about doing yoga in a state park this summer, I wanted to choose Detroit because what better place to elevate and raise vibrations through yoga and meditation,” Austin says. “And Urban Farming takes unused plots of land in the city for gardens and teaches people how to grow their own food, so it’s win-win for uplifting Detroit.”
Yoga in the Park will be simple, easy yoga with soothing music and meditation designed for all fitness levels. Austin wants it to be something that is easy to do during lunchtime, and will also have a healthy food truck on-site and hopes to bring on DROUGHT juice so that people can take their entire lunch hour here and get everything they need. “I want people to go back to work inspired and have energy in the afternoon, and see how little yoga it takes to shift your energy,” she says.
After visiting the park, she decided to make the classes free with donations. “If we really want to elevate and uplift Detroit, this is the way to do it; not just for some people but for everyone.” She suggests a $10 donation, but encourages everyone to come who is interested, even if they can’t afford a donation.
She already sees this as a bigger mission and something that can be grown into a year-round event, and plans on looking for an indoor space to continue offering her lunchtime yoga in the winter.
Yoga in the Park will be held on the grassy area of Milliken Park by the picnic shelters.